Are you having difficulty finding your next path after the military?
Would you like to use your VA benefits to improve your life?
Do you want an education, but are concerned that it’s been too long?
Are you having difficulty even finding the best way to start exploring?
If so, then VUB is for you! We are veterans who have been down this road before and we can help you on your journey.
VUB has a wide array of services that are dedicated to ensure your success.
Let us provide the tools that you need to become a successful student.
We offer classes in math, english and more. We can help you as you explore school options, majors and careers. We will assist with applications, the GI Bill Financial Aid and even scholarships.
All at no cost to you as a veteran!
Veterans Upward Bound is a federally funded college preparatory program designed to provide academic refresher training and advising to qualifying veterans who are preparing to enter post-secondary education. The program is totally FREE. All books and classroom materials are provided. Academic instruction is available in English, mathematics, science, career advising, computer literacy, and foreign languages. This program is an opportunity for veterans to re-establish fundamental ideas and study habits, which are prerequisites for success at the post-secondary educational level. Additionally, Veterans Upward Bound provides access to academic resources, employment referrals, assistance with VA benefits applications and referrals to various community assistance organizations.